3 more days to Term 4.
And 35 more days to EOY.
So better start revising for your exams. :D
And FINISH ALL your hols hw.
The LA essay and History Assignment are GRADED.
So hand in on time and do it properly.
You never know, it might pull your grades up.
Anyway, 3 more paper to be collected this week.
Chinese, Maths and History.
And we have most likely have to wait till Thurs to get back our Hist paper ._.
But maybe there will be some changes as the Progress Report is already overdue.
Back to topic, 5 more weeks.
Plan your time well, people.
And aim to score well for subjects like Maths and Geog. Don't forget Hist, Sci, Chinese and LA.
Stop playing your games, you can survive 35 + 8/1/2 days w/o games right?
Start revising, score well for EOYs and you will get the subject combi you wish.
And score better during year 3 and 4 of course.
And tag when you come here leh.
Or else like very dead like that.
Cheers. And JYs for EOYs.
And finish your assignments on time. Thanks (: